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By far, the most most important book in my life is the Bible, it is the greatest book ever writen, or more correctly, the greatest collection of books ever written, and that isn't just my opinion, that's a fact. Basicaly all you could want from a good book is in the Bible. There are stories of great adventures, like the flood, David and Goliath, and great wars. There are love stories, like Song of Solomon. There are murders and murder plots, polotical assisanations, and much more!

But even better than that there is a story of hope, a story that starts with Genisis 1:1, the beginning, and ends with Revelation 22:21, the last amen. It starts with an all powerful, all knowing God who creates a world, and a people, and gives that people a free will, to do whatever they want, although He knows that they will turn from Him.

Through the entire old testiment He guides them in the way they should go, the way that He knows will be best for them, but they don't always follow Him, thinking that they know enough and will survive on their own. But they know nothing and end the end disaster always comes from their refusal to follow Him.

Then in the new testiment the hope is renewed, God sends His Son to earth to live with the people that He created, the people that turned away from Him, to walk with them, live with them, to be like them. And end the end, to die for them, paying the price they owed for turning on God, death, with His own life.

But that wasn't the end, after three days in the toom Christ came back to life! And then He asscended into Heaven to prepare a place for those who choose to accept His gift of Life Eternal to live when they leave the earth! Then through the rest of the new testment are letters from some of the early Christians, letters to teach, to encourage, sometimes to scold and warn, letters that other's can learn how to live the Christian Life! And the last book tells of the end, of what will happen, some of what to expect, and of the glories of Heaven!

And the best part about this book is that it isn't about fictitious characters, or just about people who lived long ago, it's about us! It's about now, about you and me, we are the people who He created, we are the people who turned from Him, we are the people He died for, whom he has offered the gift of eternal life! And we can be the ones who see Heaven when it's all over, if we only accept Him.

Title Description
The Holy Bible : New International Version
Published by Zondervan Pub House
Publication date: June 1994
Dimensions (in inches): 1.68 x 6.76 x 4.19
ISBN: 0310912369
The New International Version of the Bible is very easy to understand and is my version of choice. While there are other very good versions of the Bible my favorite is the NIV. This NIV Bible is good for someone who does not have a lot of money but needs a Bible because it is very affordable. Most of the other Bibles I list here have study helps or chain referances but this is just the Bible and it costs under $10.
NASB Update Paperback Edition full-color cover
Paperback, 896 pages
Published by Foundation Publications
Publication date: March 1997
Dimensions (in inches): 0.87 x 7.98 x 5.24
ISBN: 1885217722
The New Amercian Standerd Version is another good version. While I sometimes find it a little bit harder to understand than the NIV it is still a good translation, and it always helps to check differant translations when you are studying a certian passage, sometimes you will see something in one that you missed in the other. This is also a good buy for those who can't afford the pricier Bibles (Which can sometimes run in excess of $50!) with it's cost below $7.
NIV Study Bible
10th anniv Edition
Hardcover, 2182 pages
Published by Zondervan Pub House
Publication date: September 1995
Dimensions (in inches): 1.77 x 9.56 x 6.67
ISBN: 0310925681
The NIV Study Bible is an excelant study Bible for anyone who wants a better understanding of the scriptures. It has notes, character sketches, diagrams, charts, maps, and many other useful study helps. If you want to do some serious Bible study I reccomend this Bible for you. The only drawback of this Bible is the price, ranging from $30-$40.
Life Application Bible : New International Version
Hardcover, 2464 pages
Published by Tyndale House Pub
Publication date: September 1991
Dimensions (in inches): 1.96 x 9.52 x 6.77
ISBN: 0842328750
The Live Aplication Bible is another great study Bible. There are notes on almost every verse, character outlines, book introductions, and more. Each character outline lists lessons that you can learn from that character's life, the book introductions list the main themes in each book and give a breif commentary on the book. I would reccomend this Bible for anyone wanting to know how to apply the Word of God to their life. Again, the only drawback of this Bible is the price, between $30 and $40.
The Message : New Testament With Psalms and Proverbs in Contemporary Language
Leather Bound
Published by Navpress
Publication date: July 1997
Dimensions (in inches): 0.58 x 5.69 x 3.93
ISBN: 1576830225
The Message is a paraphrase translation of the Bible by Eugene Petterson. A paraphrase is translated by thought or phrase instead of word for word literal translation or scentance for scentance. The advantage of this type of translation is that it can be presented in even more common, everyday, easy to understand English. The dissadvantage is that sometimes something is lost in the translation. So, while I would urge you to get this version of the Bible I would caution you to read a more literal translation, like NIV or NAS aling side it and see what lines up. Sometimes reading a paraphrase will put a whole new twist on an old passage and maybe open your eyes, but if you aren't careful it can also cloud your vision.
The Message: Job : Led by Suffering to the Heart of God
Hardcover, 103 pages
Published by Navpress
Publication date: March 1996
Dimensions (in inches): 0.50 x 7.28 x 5.22
ISBN: 0891099271
The book of Job translated into modern English by Eugene Peterson.
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